Re: Lizzie needs your help!

Nancy A. Schmall ( (no email) )
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 12:47:45 -0600 (CST)

Hi John,

Welcome to the group. You will find suggestions and support here!

> 1. Is there an oral chemo that I could give her that any of you have
> tried? I'll listen to any successful home remedies also.
I can't answer you on that one. Although if she'll take it, I might try
about 250-500 mg. Vit. C, preferable sodium ascorbate which is easier on
the stomach. There is a more natural substance--an aloe
derivative, Acemannan, for cancer, but unfortunately, it has to be given
as a shot.

> 2. Could I disolve a human's "Centrum Silver" multi-vitamin in with
> milk and a blended whole egg for her to eat or feed through a tube
> directly into her throat that would taste good? ....... (little
> sugar?). I have pet vitamins, but would the aforementioned vitamin be
> more of a boost to her system without fear of a vitamin overdose?
I would not use a human vitamin--cats' needs are very different than
humans' and I think you'd be overdosing her. If you go to our net site .
. . Newer Methods . . . I think under alternative treatments there might
be a site which lists a natural drink with vitamins you can administer.
It's not specifically for cancer but it's a very vitamin-packed drink. If
it's not there, e-mail me and I can direct you to the site.

A good appetite stimulant is Periactin. I found that 1/4-1/2 pill every
other day is all it takes. Also, you may already be using it, but you
might want to try a natural whole foods diet for her. I refer you to Dr.
Pitcairn's "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats." You might want to access
the Internet for drugs (natural ones too) for cancer used in cats.

Good luck, John. I know this is a difficult time for you, but hang in
there. Question: Does Lizzie have FELV? You might want to also
access the Holisticat list. Nancy