As is evident from his personal Web Page1, he believes that there is a conspiracy against him. I suspect that he considers me one of the primary conspirators. He has maligned many of us, both on the Web Page and in his postings on an unofficial NIU faculty listserv.
The materials I can send you were either attached to my May 19, 1998, letter which Mr. Wilson cites in his ARDC complaint, not covered by FERPA because they are not part of Mr. Wilson's official student records, or supplied because the information contained therein has already been disclosed to you by Mr. Wilson. I feel that by providing the ARDC with a copy of my letter to my May 18, 1998 letter Mr. Wilson has adequately waived his any objection he may have to the disclosure of the attachments. The entire May 19, 1998 submission to Mr. Lerone Bennett, III, is attached as Group Exhibit 1.
Mr. Wilson, who is legally blind, has claimed that he was discriminated against, in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act, during his time as a student at Northern Illinois University. By the time I became involved, it appears that his equipment needs had been satisfied and that the crux of his remaining complaints against the University was that he felt he had been poorly treated in the process. Soon after I became aware of his situation, I asked Mr. Wilson to meet with me to discuss his procedural options, an invitation which was never accepted. Enclosed as Exhibit 3 you will find copies of some e-mail exchanges between me and Mr. Wilson in the winter of 1996.
Mr. Wilson's complaints against me, as expressed in his September 10, 1998 letter to Mary T. Robinson, relate to my May 19, 1998 submission to Mr. Lerone Bennett, III, of Senator Carol Mosely-Braun's staff. They appear to fall into two separate categories:
1. That I deliberately and intentionally altered a document - e.g. Mr. Cunningham's letter of January 11, 1996 -- by adding the words "did not" to a sentence at the bottom of the first page. Mr. Wilson seems to feel that this alteration was to support my contention that he did not meet with certain University offices or administrators (who were available to
1. An example of his Web Page is attached to his ARDC Complaint. I am also enclosing, as Exhibit 2, a copy of another Web Page entry which was sent to me by a colleague. To be honest, I have never accessed the Web Page, nor do I plan to do so. Again, the purpose of bringing this to your attention is to show that Mr. Wilson's mind set that there is a conspiracy against him.