The decisions to reinstate are made, literally, within forty-eight hours after the Associate Dean receives the computer list.3 Therefore, all reinstatements are, initially, "on final probation." (A person on final probation is in good academic standing.) Subsequently, the College can decide whether the reinstatement should be without academic probation.4 I am attaching a copy of a Registration and Records printout (Exhibit 6) I obtained just yesterday from Mr. Olson -- it shows that Mr. Wilson is in "Good Standing" at Northern Illinois University. No probation is mentioned.
Furthermore, Mr. Wilson evidently received a copy of my May 19, 1998 letter from Mr. Bennett, or someone else at Senator Mosely- Braun's office. The very first attachment to that letter is a copy of an official NIU transcript, dated May 4, 1998, on which there is no notation of academic dismissal. (See Group Exhibit 1)
Therefore, my understanding of Mr. Wilson's academic status was and is entirely consistent with the records of the University. I cannot control Mr. Wilson's own (mis-) understanding of his academic status.
I hope this information will enable you to close your files on this specious complaint. If I can provide anything else or if you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours