It'll be fine ....... there's always room at my house ......

John Schestag ( )
Mon, 22 Feb 1999 17:26:23 -0500 (EST)

Diana, Nancy and group,
Thanks for your responses. I am sure to catch her after this litter and
get her fixed. She looks like a basket ball with a tail now. My
secretary helped me with a kitten once who was taken away from her mom
way too young, either by death or?

Anyway, of course I took her and she couldn't or wouldn't go No. 1 or
No. 2. And she could hardly stand up she was so little. She took food
from an eye dropper. I brought her into my office in the morning and
she was quickly scooped up by my secretary and another lady in the
office and they started rubbing her little behind with their finger
tips. In no time the little kitten did her stuff on a paper towel.
After that, my secretary kept her for her mother to adopt. The kitten
was dark grey, real fluffy and sky blue eyes.

I was told the mother cat will stimulate the litter's bodily functions
only when it is safe and no other animal will smell the kitten's urine
or stool. I thought that was so amazing. I felt so dumb and would've
just kept trying to let her go into a litterbox I had made at my house.
If I hadn't brought her into work, she may well have gotten impacted and
died. So, it was a nice happy ending. (Satisfied some of my
"fathering" needs, I guess!?)

p.s., Please send up some good prayers for my Lizzie during your candle

Thanks, John